Our Philosophy

The basis and foundation of Minooka Preschool is our Philosophy. Minooka's philosophy reflects the principles that underpin the "Education and Care National Law Act 2010" and the "Early Years Learning Framework (V2.0 2022)." 

Every child is created, valued and loved unconditionally by God. 

Our preschool is founded on Christian values which will be evident in our interactions, the educational program and in our Celebrations. 

Secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships 

  • Trusting relationships provide a secure base for exploration and learning. 
  • Children develop confidence and feel respected and valued. 
  • They are able to empathise, show respect and interact positively. 
  • Children learn to work together, to appreciate each other and value teamwork. 
  • Each child has the right to feel important and safe. 


  • We recognise that families are children's most influential teachers. 
  • Effective programs are based on establishing and maintaining relationships between parents, children and staff. 
  • Partnerships are based on the foundations of understanding and accepting each other's expectations and attitudes and building on the strength of each other's knowledge. 
  • Together we explore the learning potential in all that we do 
  • Additional needs children are provided with daily opportunities to learn from active participation and engagement.

 High expectations and equity 

  • We believe in all children's capability to succeed and that children progress well when we hold high expectations for their achievements in learning. 
  • We make curriculum decisions that promote inclusion and participation of all children. 
  • Ensure that all children have opportunities to achieve learning outcomes. 

Respect for diversity 

  • We value and reflect the practices, values and beliefs of families. 
  • We honour the histories, cultures, languages, traditions, child rearing practices and lifestyle choices of families. 
  • Diversity promotes a greater understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing and being. 
  • We provide opportunities to learn about similarities, difference and how we can learn to live together. 
  • Diversity makes our environment rich and stimulating. 

Ongoing learning and reflective practice 

  • Children, families and communities are co-learners and we value the continuity and richness of local knowledge. 
  • Staff will continually seek ways to build their professional knowledge and be involved in critical reflection examining current practices, reviewing outcomes and generating new ideas.